

You are viewing the RapidMiner Developers documentation for version 10.0 - Check here for latest version

Publishing Your Own Extension

Using the Marketplace

The RapidMiner Marketplace provides many extensions, developed by both RapidMiner and other contributers. To publish your extension, log into the Marketplace.

Click the Login button on the top to login. If you don't have an account, click Create new account. Fill in the fields of the sign up form and click at Create new account again.

You will receive an email with an activation link.

Click the activation link to finish the sign up. Then, check out the options you have in the RapidMiner Marketplace. You can use bookmarks for faster access to extensions that you are interested in. You can search and learn about new extensions. And, most importantly for this document, you can publish your own extension. To publish, click on the Contact us link at the bottom.

Once clicked, a request form opens. In it, you can add information about your extension such as a name, a description, the development stage and more.

When the form is complete, click Submit Request.

When received, RapidMiner will check the request and create a product page for your extension. You will be informed by email as soon as it is ready. Once this is done, you can administer your product and upload the first version.

Then, find the My products menu and open it. Click on the product to change the product name, define the extension category, write a short description and upload a new package for this product. This is also the place to upload the first version of the JAR file of your own extension.

Now other users can download and use your extension. Congratulations!