

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 10.0 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.0.0?

Released: 3rd November 2022

This is a major version upgrade. Please ensure to read the Upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.0.0:


  • Upgrade all dependencies and Spring Boot to version 2
  • Move from ActiveMQ to ActiveMQ Artemis (compatible with 2.26.0)
  • Use Keycloak as Identity Provider
  • Add migration path from AI Hub/Server 9
  • Dynamically assign ENCRYPTION_SECRET and write into home directory if not present
    • Encryption secret will be generated dynamically once on startup and stored in encryption.secret-location
    • It is possible to overwrite the encryption secret by setting the property encryption.secret
  • Use Single Page Application for frontend
  • Use Postgres as only option for database
  • Use proper database migrator tool for bootstrapping required schemas entirely
  • Enrich Jobs API
    • Add ID of the schedule that scheduled a job
    • Jobs can be filtered by scheduleId
  • License can be set via license.license and will be stored in the license.location
  • Add configurable cleanup scheduler for the RTS
    • Can be enabled with scoring-agent.execution.cleanup.cron-expression
    • A cron expression has to be definedscoring-agent.execution.cleanup.enabled
    • The scheduler will wait for jobs to finish
      • A timeout can be set via scoring-agent.execution.cleanup.timeout
      • The waiting interval for running jobs can be changed via scoring-agent.execution.cleanup.waitBetween
  • Add pause and resume all schedules functionality (state change)
  • Add ability to toggle scheduler into standby without changing state of schedules
  • Add database indexes
    • jobservice_job: created_at
    • a_jobservice_job: created_at
    • jobservice_job: stop_requested = 1
    • a_jobservice_job: stop_requested = 1
    • jobservice_job_agent: state
    • jobservice_job_agent: last_status_at
  • Switch to REST endpoint for retrieving AI Hub instance information
  • Add REST endpoint for log retrieving
  • Add new Spring Security classes for authorization in the Scoring Agent
  • Add migration to the Scoring Agent
  • Change units from minutes to seconds for jobservice.scheduled.archive.maxAge and jobservice.scheduled.archive.jobCleanup.maxAge
  • Remove jupyterEnabled and grafanaEnabled from endpoints and UI which is now handled by the platform setup
  • Disabling the automatic snapshot creation after a job has been executed inside a Job Container can now be achieved by setting the Job Container's property to NONE
  • Change host of rm-juypterhub-db-svc to jupyterhub-db in the sample-dev Project
  • Respect X-Forwarded-.. HTTP headers for Project URL generation natively


  • Add missing internal locking of Job Agent scheduled tasks
  • Change execution mode of Scoring Agent to SCORING_AGENT instead of JOB_CONTAINER
  • Strip common 80 and 443 ports from LFS server responses