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Schedule a remote process from RapidMiner Studio

To run a process at a specified date and time, or regularly at a specified time, use the scheduling feature. This feature is only available to processes that are stored in a remote Repository on RapidMiner AI Hub.

Accessing the scheduler

From the Process menu pull-down of RapidMiner Studio, select Schedule Process on AI Hub:

The Run process on RapidMiner AI Hub dialog opens with the Schedule tab selected:

Complete the fields then click schedule Icon Schedule to run or schedule your process. The following table describes the settings:

Field Description
Repository Select the RapidMiner AI Hub instance on which you want to run the process. Or, click the Create Repository Icon Create repository icon to configure a new repository on RapidMiner AI Hub.
Process location Enter or browse to the location of the process to run.
Process execution queue Select a queue to execute the process. By default there is only a single simple process execution queue, which imposes no execution restraints. You can configure additional queues as required.
Now Sets the selected process to run as soon as you click schedule Icon Schedule. This executes the same action as Run on AI Hub Now option, but allows you to specify a process and location instead of opening it in the Process view of the Design perspective.
Once Sets a future date and time to run the selected process. Use the calendar to select a date or enter it manually; enter the time manually in the format displayed in the field.
Cron schedule Allows you to build a cron expression (a trigger), either manually or with the Cron Editor, to schedule the specified process for repeated executions. You can also schedule a future single execution using the Cron Editor.

Understanding the cron expression builder

You can create a cron express by 1) manually entering the expression or 2) using the cron expression builder:

Note that if you use the builder, upon completion RapidMiner displays the settings in the cron expression language.

Once your expression is complete, you can use the Start and End selectors to set a start or end time for the trigger to be applicable.

Rules for manual expressions

RapidMiner uses the Quartz job scheduler to create scheduling triggers. This tutorial provides the syntax and examples for using cron. This utility provides a visual tool for creating syntax.

Using the Cron Editor

Using the built-in Cron Editor, you can build cron expressions without knowing the cron utility's syntax. To use the editor, click the calendar Icon icon.

The Cron Editor uses the date format dd-mm-yyyy and the time format hh:mm:ss. When Seconds, Minutes, or Hours is set to On with a value, it sets the ss, mm, and hh at which the trigger fires. This time is in conjunction with the other settings. For example, setting the Seconds field to 15 fires the trigger at hh:mm:15, not every 15 seconds.

Note: If Seconds is left in the default position Every Second, the trigger fires once a second (this is strongly discouraged). It is best to set the field to On with a value. Usually, this is true for the Minutes field as well.

The following table describes each field in the Cron Editor:

Setting Description Values
Seconds Sets the seconds (ss) field for the trigger, expressed as hh:mm:ss. Optionally, set the offset in seconds to repeat from the initial ss. 0-59
Minutes Sets the minutes (mm) field for the trigger, expressed as hh:mm:ss. Optionally, set the offset in minutes for repeating from the initial mm. 0-59
Hours Sets the hour (hh) field for the trigger, expressed as hh:mm:ss, in 24-hour clock format. Optionally, set the offset in hours for repeating from the initial hh. 0-23, where 0 is midnight
Days Sets the day(s) on which the trigger fires. Options for setting the day are:

Every Day: fires the trigger every day at the specified time, month(s), and year(s).
On: fires on day dd, and optionally repeated every number of days.
Use Days of Week Condition: fires on the selected days at the specified time, month(s), and year(s).
1-7, where 1 is Sunday
Months Sets the month(s) in which the trigger fires. Options for setting the month are:

Every Month: fires the trigger every month at the specified time, day(s), and year(s).
On: fires in month mm, and optionally repeated every number of months.
Use Days of Week Condition: fires in the selected months at the specified time, day(s), and year(s).
1-12, where 1 is January
Years Sets the year(s) in which the trigger fires. Options for setting the year are:

Every Year: fires the trigger every year at the specified time, day(s), and months(s).
Enable Year Condition: fires in the selected year, and optionally repeats every number of years specified.
From current year to current year + 100

The following illustrates the setting for a process that is to run every Monday and Wednesday at 7am local time for the first quarter of the year:

When you click ok Icon Ok, the Cron Editor translates your selections to a cron expression: