

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 10.0 - Check here for latest version

Loop Google Drive (Cloud Connectivity)


This operator loops through files in a folder in Google Drive™.


After you have configured your Google Drive account, you can load the Google Drive file with this operator.

Be aware that the operator cannot read the file as an example set. For this reason, you must connect the Read Google Drive operator to another appropriate operator to read the file. For example, if you want to load an Excel file from Google Drive, you must connect the Read Google Drive operator with the Read Excel operator to see the result.


  • connection (Connection)

    This input port expects a Connection object if any. See the parameter connection entry for more information.

  • input (IOObject)

    The file object which should be uploaded to Google Drive. The file must be provided by an Open file operator.


  • connection (Connection)

    This output port delivers the Connection object from the input port. If the input port is not connected the port delivers nothing.

  • output (IOObject)

    The input object is passed through and returned here.


  • folder_id Enter the folder id of the Google Drive folder to iterate over. The parameter is optional and RapidMiner will store the file at the root My Drive if blank. Range: String
  • mime_type_conversion This parameter is used to specify a Google Workspace document export MIME type operation. This will only be relevant if the file id is a Google Workspace document. Automatic is the default option which will export to the corresponding MS office. e.g. Google Spreadsheets to MS Excel. None will download the selected file id as a blob without any export operation. However, if your file is a Google Workspace document the download will fail. Manual will allow you to specify the MIME type you would like to use for the export operation. Range: selection
  • file_id_macro This parameter used to specify the name of the macro to store the file id of current file. The default value is file_id. Range: string
  • file_name_macro This parameter used to specify the name of the macro to store the file name of current file. The default value is file_name. Range: string
  • folder_id_macro This parameter used to specify the name of the macro to store the file id of current file. The default value is folder_id. Range: string