

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 10.0 - Check here for latest version

Performance (Min-Max) (RapidMiner Studio Core)


This operator takes a performance vector and puts all criteria into a min-max criterion which delivers the minimum instead of the average or arbitrary weighted combinations.


The Performance (Min-Max) operator wraps a min-max criterion around each performance criterion of the given performance vector. This criterion uses the minimum fitness achieved instead of the average fitness or arbitrary weightings. Please note that the average values stay the same and only the fitness values change.


  • performance (Performance Vector)

    This input port expects a performance vector. A performance vector is a list of performance criteria values.


  • performance (Performance Vector)

    The resultant performance vector is returned through this port.


  • minimum_weightThis parameter defines the weight for the minimum fitness against the average fitness. Range: real

Tutorial Processes

Introduction to the Performance (Min-Max) operator

This Example Process starts with the Subprocess operator. The subprocess delivers a performance vector. A breakpoint is inserted here so that you can have a look at the performance vector. This performance vector is provided as input to the Performance (Min-Max) operator which wraps a min-max criterion around each performance criterion of the given performance vector. The resultant performance vector can be seen in the Results Workspace.