

Table of system settings for Scoring Agent and Web API Agent

This table gives an overview over all scoring agent properties that can be set via environment variables

This application is a Spring Boot application and therefore those property values can be also applied, e.g. SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME=Test would change the Spring's application name to Test. Other properties not listed here should not be changed and have reasonable defaults.

Property Default Description
SCORING_AGENT_BASE_DIR /scoring-agent (docker image) The base directory of the Scoring Agent, other directory paths are derived from this base directory.
SCORING_AGENT_HOME_DIR $baseDir/home The Scoring Agent's home directory
SCORING_AGENT_TMP_DIR $homeDir/tmp or tmp/global (docker image) The directory for temporary files.
SCORING_AGENT_GLOBAL_TMP_DIR /scoring-agent/home/tmp/global (docker image) The default temp dir of the scoring agent
SCORING_AGENT_UPLOAD_DIR $tmpDir/uploads The upload directory during deployment creation
SCORING_AGENT_RUNTIME_DIR $tmpDir/runtime The runtime directory during deployment creation
SCORING_AGENT_DEPLOYMENT_DIR $homeDir/deployments The persistent directory for deployments
SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_CONFIG_DIR $homeDir/config The config directory
SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_USER_DIR $homeDir/config/rapidminer The user directory
SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_EXTENSION_DIR $homeDir/resources/extensions Directory for additional extensions
SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_PLUGIN_DIR $baseDir/lib/plugins The bundled extensions directory
SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_LOAD_USER_CERTIFICATES false If user certificates should be loaded
SCORING_AGENT_REGISTER_DEFAULT_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT_ENABLED false Allows to register an Altair AI Studio encryption context with default name)
SCORING_AGENT_REGISTER_DEFAULT_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT_KEY_LOCATION ${SCORING_AGENT_RAPIDMINER_USER_DIR}/.RapidMiner/encryption/symmetric/default-local-context.rmek Location to the Altair AI Studio encryption key file
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_ENABLED true If cache of already retrieved objects during process execution is enabled
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_EVICT_IN_BACKGROUND true When cache is enabled, evict outdated entries also in background, so they're not only checked on next access
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_ACCESS_EXPIRATION 900000 Maximum age in milliseconds of entries held in the cache in milliseconds
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_CLEAR_ON_COLLECTION false References or the actual objects are retrieved and managed by the cache
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_COPY_CACHED_IOOBJECTS true If e.g. Models should be copied in-memory during execution (recommended)
SCORING_AGENT_CACHE_REPOSITORY_MAXIMUM_SIZE 50 Maximum size of the cache (entries)
SCORING_AGENT_CORS_PATH_PATTERN CORS related setting what to protect, blank means all
SCORING_AGENT_REST_CONTEXT_PATH /api The context path under which all REST endpoints are reachable
SCORING_AGENT_ENABLE_SERVER_LICENSE false If enabled, RTS will look for valid Server instead of RTS licenses
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_CHECK_INTERVAL 3000 The interval in which the license dir is checked for a valid license in ms
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_DIR_CHECK_DURATION 30 The maximum amount of time the license is checked in minutes
SCORING_AGENT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE 25600MB Maximum upload size for deployment size and request data
SCORING_AGENT_TASK_SCHEDULER_POOL_SIZE 10 Pool size of the application
SCORING_AGENT_TASK_SCHEDULER_THREAD_PRIORITY 5 Thread priority size of the application
SCORING_AGENT_EXECUTION_CLEANUP_ENABLED false Enables the execution cleanup scheduler
SCORING_AGENT_EXECUTION_CLEANUP_CRON_EXPRESSION 0 0 0-6 ? * * * The cron expression for the cleanup scheduler
SCORING_AGENT_EXECUTION_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT 10000 The scheduler will wait for running jobs to finish until the timeout is reached
SCORING_AGENT_EXECUTION_CLEANUP_WAIT_BETWEEN 1000 The busy waiting interval for running jobs
SCORING_AGENT_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT Not set by default, so invoked RapidMiner processes are not time bound when they're invoked through hitting a service. If set, execution has a maximum upper limit, meaning that they're time bound. If execution takes longer than this, they're cancelled and respond with a special error code, e.g., setting 5000 (5 seconds) cancels all processes taking longer than 5 seconds to execute.
SCORING_AGENT_AUDIT_ENABLED false If audit is enabled to see additional information about user changes
SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCESERVER_JWT_ISSUER_URI http://localhost:8081/realms/AIHub If you enable the oauth2 profile, this is required. The uri of the authorization entity
SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCESERVER_RESOURCEID rapidminer-scoring-agent If you enable the oauth2 profile, this is required. The default audience id for token validation
SPRING_SECURITY_USER_NAME rapidminer Only available with the basic profile
SPRING_SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD rapidminer Only available with the basic profile
SPRING_SECURITY_BASIC_ENABLED true Only available with the basic profile
SPRING_SECURITY_BASIC_AUTHORIZE_MODE authenticated Only available with the basic profile
SPRING_SECURITY_BASIC_PATH /** Only available with the basic profile, protects all endpoints by default
SCORING_AGENT_AUTH_REALM AIHub The realm to use for Keycloak
SCORING_AGENT_AUTH_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID aihub-scoringagent The Keycloak client id
SCORING_AGENT_AUTH_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET The secret for the configured Keycloak client
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_PROXY_URL The URL the License Agent will use to report to
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_PROXY_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 120 The connection timeout to the proxy used by the License Agent
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_PROXY_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 120 The response timeout to the proxy used by the License Agent
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_MACHINE_ID The applications machine id, must be unique across different host machines, but can be identical for applications running on the same host
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_APPLICATION_NAME Scoring Agent The application name the License Agent will report
SCORING_AGENT_LICENSE_AGENT_POOL_SIZE 5 The executor threads used by the License Agent to invoke heartbeats
SCORING_AGENT_SYSTEM_OUT_LOG_ENABLED true Allows log stdout and stderr to the application's main log
SCORING_AGENT_SYSTEM_OUT_LOG_OUT_LEVEL info The logging level of out messages
SCORING_AGENT_SYSTEM_OUT_LOG_ERROR_LEVEL error The logging level of error messages
LICENSE_MODE ALTAIR_UNIT Enabled by default to use Altair Unit licensing. Requires *_LICENSE_AGENT_*and *_AUTH_* settings. Setting RAPIDMINER falls back to RapidMiner licensing and setting ALTAIR_STANDALONE requires a standalone Altair license file
LICENSE_LICENSE Directly set a RapidMiner license string
LICENSE_LOCATION By default, points to the parent folder where licenses reside in, e.g. $appHome/resources/licenses inside the Docker container
LOGGING_... Set logging, e.g. LOGGING_LEVEL_COM_RAPIDMINER=DEBUG for debug logs of all Altair RapidMiner classes

Web API Agent

A WebApi Agent is a Scoring Agent which needs to be started with SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,webapi. Configuration is the same as for the Scoring Agent, though there are specific properties which can only be set for the WebApi Agent:

Property Default Description
WEBAPI_GROUP_NAME DEFAULT The default Web API Group the WebApi Agent is assigned to
WEBAPI_CLEAN_DEPLOYMENTS true Whether to clean already downloaded deployment files on application restart. Setting this to false means that Web API Agent tries to only download missing deployments from AI Hub instead of all deployments.
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PROTOCOL http The internal registry protocol used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_HOST The internal registry host used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_CONTEXT_PATH blank The internal registry context path used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PORT 8080 The internal registry port used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_USERNAME admin The internal registry username used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD The internal registry username used by WebApi Agents to register to AI Hub Server
EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME Automatically derived depending on PREFER_IP_ADDRESS, using secure or non-secure ports Web API Agent reports this information to registry. Registry and Gateway uses this for forwarding requests. The FQDN/network address used.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_PREFER_IP_ADDRESS true Web API Agent reports this information to registry. Registry and Gateway uses this for forwarding requests. If instead of a resolvable hostname (automatically derived from OS means), use the IP address. In case of docker, it's the internal docker container IP address or the container name. Must be set to false if hostname is provided manually.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_NON_SECURE_PORT_ENABLED true Web API Agent reports this information to registry. Registry and Gateway uses this for forwarding requests. If the non-secure (http) port is enabled by default. Explicitly set to false if you want to use secure port.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_SECURE_PORT_ENABLED false Web API Agent reports this information to registry. Registry and Gateway uses this for forwarding requests. If secure port (https) should be enabled, e.g., in case of proxy. Explicitly set to true and ensure to disable non-secure port.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_SECURE_PORT 443 Web API Agent reports this information to registry. Registry and Gateway uses this for forwarding requests. The secure port.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOME_PAGE_URL Automatically derived depending on PREFER_IP_ADDRESS, using secure or non-secure ports Web API Agent's home page url, used by the internal system. Should be set if hostname set manually.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_HEALTH_CHECK_URL Automatically derived depending on PREFER_IP_ADDRESS, using secure or non-secure ports, adding /system/health Web API Agent's health page url, used by the internal system. Should be set if hostname set manually.
EUREKA_INSTANCE_STATUS_PAGE_URL Automatically derived depending on PREFER_IP_ADDRESS, using secure or non-secure ports, adding /system/info Web API Agent's status page url, used by the internal system. Should be set if hostname set manually.
MIGRATION_EXIT true Whether to exit the application once migration is completed.
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_ENABLED false Whether to enable profile based migration of RTS to Web API Agent.
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_GROUP The Web API Group used to create the Web API Deployments during the migration.
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_MAPPING_FILE The .csv mapping file used by the migration and is required for the mapping of deployments baseName to projectId, baseLocation, and ref
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_OLD_HOME_DIR The home directory of the Scoring Agent being migrated
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_FAIL_ON_EXISTS false Whether to fail the whole migration if a deployment having the same baseName already exists
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_FAIL_ON_PROJECT_MISSING false Whether to fail the whole migration if a deployment is mapped to non-existing project
MIGRATION_WEBAPI_FAIL_ON_MAPPING_MISSING false Whether to fail the whole migration if a deployment can not be mapped