

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 9.10 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.0?

Released: August 07th, 2018

The following describes the bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.0:

New Features

  • Added TurboPrep, your interactive data preparation in a data-centric UI
  • Added a new "admin configuration" feature (documentation here)
    • Operator Blacklisting
    • Extension Whitelisting
    • Telemetry
    • Studio Settings
  • Added new Time Series functionality
  • Added support for Google Cloud Storage with Read Google Storage, Write Google Storage, and Loop Google Storage operators. They work similar to their existing Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage counterparts.
  • Added new online repositories which contain up-to-date help content. These contents are used by our online educational materials.
  • Added concatenation function to Generate Aggregation


  • Global Search results can now be navigated by keyboard
  • Operators can now be renamed by double-clicking on their name (indicated by a text cursor)
  • Improved operator renaming visuals when zoomed in/out of the process
  • Process panel in Design view can no longer be closed
  • Updated behavior for Result History panel outside of Result view
  • Uncloseable panels no longer have close buttons
  • Updated import wizards for Read CSV and Read Excel operators to make them consistent with the Add Data repository action
  • Added Remove All Breakpoints entry to Edit menu and right click context menus
  • A warning is shown for correlation matrices that could not be calculated
  • Improved the guessing for type of Quotes during CSV import
  • Improved the guessing on decimal separator in CSV import
  • Twitter operators now correctly warn about the rate limit when it is exceeded instead of throwing a generic error
  • Hyperlinks in process notes are now clickable and open the default browser
  • Repository actions that need write access are now grayed out when a read-only entry is selected
  • Inserting an operator via Global Search will now correctly grant focus to the Process panel, so you can immediately use the keyboard to manipulate the operator
  • Added workaround for a bug in the Amazon Redshift JDBC driver so that it can be used now
  • Saving a process in a read-only repository now offers the SaveAs dialog instead
  • Repository location chooser (for opening and for saving) no longer sometimes appears as a separate instance of RM Studio in the operating system taskbar


  • Clicking on a selected operator no longer sometimes selects an operator behind it
  • Fixed process panel sometimes being opened in other views
  • Fixed an issue where icons did not show up on Retina displays
  • Updated vulnerable libraries
  • Fixed potential UI freeze during the Import Data process
  • A rare error concerning parallel loops in combination with Generate Attributes was fixed
  • Fixed an issue that RapidMiner Studio always started in fullscreen mode on Mac OS X
  • Fixed results view not showing the latest result as the active tab


  • Added callback hook for DataImportWizardBuilder. The callback can be used to determine by the caller what should happen after the user has concluded the data import.