

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 9.10 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Studio 9.10.13?

Released: February 16th, 2023

The 9.10.12 release has been skipped.

The following describes the bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 9.10.13:

New Features

  • Added new connection and operators to access Google Drive:
    • Read Google Drive
    • Write Google Drive
    • Loop Google Drive
    • Delete Google Drive
    • Create Google Drive Folder


  • Added some settings to help alleviate issues when working on a slow file system / with very strict anti-virus tools slowing the system to a crawl. All the settings below can be set separately or combined, to reduce file system access as needed.
    • Added setting to de-/activate global search completely for repositories
    • Added setting to de-/activate automatic detection of remote changes for a project
    • Added setting to de-/activate automatic detection of local changes for a project
  • Added support for OAuth for Salesforce connections


  • Fixed a problem where collections with empty subcollections might not be readable
  • Fixed the storage of the LFS & editable flags in the repositories.xml file for projects
  • Fixed RapidMiner init being able to be called more than once (fix for AI Hub web service multiple init calls)
  • Fixed some (preprocessing) models to be safe to copy/use in parallel
  • Fixed creation of new Google Cloud Services connection after the recent Google OAuth flow changes
  • Mitigated the impact of a memory leak caused by a bug in Java 8